We believe in God, Creator, Sustainer and Ruler of all, who exists as three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 


We believe that mankind is created by God, Mankind is made in God’s image to know, love and serve God. Mankind is created in community to know, love and serve each other. 


We believe that mankind sinned and continues to sin by disobeying God’s will. Sin separates us from God so that we do not know, love or serve Him, as we should. Sin damages our relationship with others so that we do not love our neighbors as ourselves. Sin produces restlessness within us. Sin brings spiritual and physical death. 


We believe that God’s way of salvation has been revealed in Jesus Christ. Salvation by God’s grace is received through faith in Jesus Christ, Savior and Lord. Salvation restores our relationships, creating peace with God, with others and with ourselves. 

Jesus Christ

We believe in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary and made man. He is truly God and truly man. He was without sin, tempted, subject to suffering, crucified and buried. God raised Him from the dead. Risen and ascended, He is alive now, the living Lord. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. 

Holy Spirit

We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is sent from the Father and the Son. By the Spirit God is present to convict the world of sin and to testify to Christ. By the Spirit God renews, empowers, teaches, guides, comforts and encourages His people in order to make them like Christ. 


We believe in the Bible, and that it is the inspired Word of God. The Scripture is the written witness to Jesus Christ, the living Word. Relying on the Holy Spirit, we seek the application of God’s Word to our lives. The Scriptures are the sufficient and trustworthy standard of Christian faith and practice.

The Church

We believe the Church is the community of people who have responded in faith to God’s call and have received Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. We believe the Church is God’s people called both to worship and serve Him in all of life. The Church is a united community, loved by one Father, anointed by one Spirit, ruled by one Head, Jesus Christ. The Church is a holy community, united to a holy Lord and called to godliness. The Church is a universal community, enjoyed by all those who trust Jesus Christ. The Church is an apostolic community, founded on Christ, the apostles and prophets and entrusted with their teachings. 


We believe there are two ordinances for the Church:
Baptism. The believer’s response of repentance and faith towards God is expressed in the initiatory rite of believer’s baptism by immersion. Baptism symbolizes the believer’s union with Christ, experienced by the believer in dying to sin and rising to newness of life.
The Lord’s Supper. In the Lord’s Supper the bread represents the broken body of Christ and the wine represents the shed blood of Christ. In this repeated ordinance the believer’s participation in the salvation of Christ is expressed in the receiving of the bread and wine. 


We believe that ministry, in all its forms, is the ministry of the risen Lord Jesus among and through His people. Ministry is the privilege and responsibility of every believer.
Ministry is directed towards both the community of faith and the society of the world. Ministry is to be offered for the twofold purpose of building up the body of Christ and promoting the glory of God. 

Church in Society

We believe the Church’s mission in the world is modeled on the mission of Jesus and accomplished as a servant community sent into the world. The Church’s mission involves fulfillment of the Great Commission to proclaim the gospel, make disciples and teach the ways of the Lord. The Church’s mission also involves fulfillment of the Great Commandment to constructively serve our neighbor’s welfare through the influence of Christian character enhancing that of society and through social action in areas of need. 

The Christian Life

We believe the Christian life involves corporate-ness, action and responsibility. The believer is to live in the context of community, entering into fellowship of the Church, caring for family and being a good citizen in society. The believer seeks to live for God and others by participating in public worship, fellowship, witness and service. The believer is a steward of talents, money, possessions, time, spiritual gifts and life itself. 

We believe faith, hope and love characterize the Christian life. The believer’s initial step of repentance and faith is the beginning of a life long journey of turning away from sin and trusting Christ. The believer rejoices in the sure hope of the Second Advent of Christ. The ideal of the believer is a life of suffering, self-denying love. 

Last Things

We believe that Jesus Christ will come again. The Second Advent of Christ will result in the resurrection and judgement of all people. The wicked will suffer eternal punishment in the absence of God. The righteous will enjoy eternal life in the presence of God. The Second Advent of Christ will bring about the fulfillment and establishment of the Kingdom of God in a new heaven and a new earth.